Wednesday, July 6, 2011
God Bless America...
You know, I kept saying, "We're gonna wake up and it will be 95 degrees!" and it happened! The weather has been sooo blasted cold and awful forever, it seemed as though summer would never arrive. Snowbird had people skiing on July 4th!!
So I asked the family if anyone wanted to go see the hot air balloons on Saturday. Everyone was in, but they all wanted to sleep as much as possible, so I didn't insist on being there at 6:30. We all got there around 7 and the balloons had all taken off! We did get to hang out next to the Coke ballon. It was funny watching the Darth Vader balloon come peering over the bushes now and again. Stupid Anikan! How could he have given in to the dark side so easily?! You big wuss! They were cranking up the music pretty loud, and I managed to get a shot of the girls doing the ski dance!
We decided to head over to Macey's for the French Toast breakfast. Jenny and her friend showed up as we were waiting in line. You know, nothing like free food to bring out all the "interesting" people. The French toast was awesome and the syrup is outstanding! I know Jayton Wakefield will debate about the Magleby's syrup. They are both delicious in their own way. Regardless, I want to drink them both! We had fun and laughed a lot. We tried to ignore Jenny's New York Yankees hat, but she is living out in New Jersey and is in New York all the time. Still, the Yankees?! Ugh.
Chelsea, Abby, Madalyn and I decided to check out the Freedom Festival and walk through the carnival. Now there's an event that brings out the dregs! Oye! And of course it was 500 degrees out. We walked around for a bit and noticed it was pretty crappy this year. Mostly just food vendors, and I had just had lunch before we went! My girlies were all beat red by the time we got back into the car. I pulled into 7 Eleven and got them all a Slurpee.
The Stadium of Fire was going on, so Madalyn and I drove down State Street and parked on the side of the road and waited. Brad Paisley was finishing up. Finally the fireworks started. We had a pretty sweet view! When it was done we were able to book it on out of there and were home in about 3 minutes.
Sunday, after church and fasting, we had a delicious dinner. Teresa and Madalyn made cake balls. Holy cow they were good! And after fasting, I lose my senses a bit and eat way too much. Brad and Andrea Frandsen stopped over and had some, too. They hung out and we laughed. We love the Frandsen's.
ANyway, Monday morning Austin and I were running the 10K. We didn't sign up this year- we just wore our Ragnar bibs. I walked outside and it was 77 degrees and super humid! I picked up Austin and we were unable to drive on 900 East, so we were speeding around the back side of the temple, trying to find Kiawanis Park. We finally got there and ran over to the starting line. They moved the 10K starting line east of where it used to be. We seriously had about a minute and they started the race. Austin and I stayed together for the first couple miles. He stopped at the water station and I kept going. I was able to grab a water later on. It was really hot and sweaty out. It is always fun to run along the parade route and have everyone yelling and cheering. I didn't see anyone I knew. This year they had us go up Center Street and all the way around the Mental Hospital! Ugh! More uphill. That turn onto 9th East for the last mile is a killer! It's all uphill. I kept churning and running. There was no sprint in me to get to the end. It was weird; I wasn't mentally in to this run at all. After the Ragnar, I was kind of in a no-intensity mode. Oh well. I had my unofficial time of 45:53. Austin came in a few minutes later. We were both dying from the humidity. Plus, we had a hard time trying to make it through all the people to get a drink. And one tiny cup.
We all went to Carl's for dinner and fireworks. Dinner was awesome. Burgers and dogs, guacamole, corn, fruit, brownies. I was bloated. We played a fun game of Croquet on the back lawn. It came down to me versus Austin & Marissa. They eventually won. Lance Phillips came over with his daughter Kiley. I haven't seen Lance in a long while. He and I did a ton of stuff together back, oh, 30 years ago! We used to go surfing all the time, hang out and do whatever. He was an official brother in our family. The fireworks were crazy this year with the new ariels they were selling! If you were a vet, you probably went into flashback mode. Carl's neighbor put these "seal bombs" into a watermelon! Holy cow! It was everywhere!
Anyway, it was a very fun few days. I have come to the conclusion that I prefer Monday holidays better than Friday holidays. It's great to have a day after Sunday to hang out and it also makes the rest of the work week go pretty quick.
But the best thing of the 3-day weekend is that I beat my son-in-law in the race... again! (I say that with love, because at the rate I'm aging, I only have a year or two left where I can!)
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