Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's Fall

We took our annual trip up the canyon to take a few pictures as the fall colors are in show. Most times we wait just a wee bit too long and miss the red foliage. This year we just had to wait for Chantel to get home from school and get ready. By the time we got in the canyon the air was getting cool and we weren't destined to have a lot of light. We started at our usual off-the-road spot up South Fork Canyon. All the girls got out in the little field so mom could pose them. The funny part was we could hear some animal crawling around in the weeds which led to a lot of girlish screaming! But I stopped after realizing it wasn't a snake. He he he.
We did end up at at the park where I performed a wedding for a couple after being the bishop for only a few weeks. (Performing weddings has still been the weirdest thing- I say a few words, sign my name, and people are legally married!? Oye!)
So, here are a few shots of us trying not to look embarrassed as we pose for some shots. (there were a ton of people all around, staring, and trying to take their own pictures. There was even an engagement photo shoot going on. Pretty popular spot, I guess.)
We talked about going back up a few days later, but a storm came in 2 days after we were there, high winds and snow! So, we are happy with what we got.
Take a look at the shot of our little home- now you know what really is at the end of the rainbow! Does that mean we're leprechauns? And where is that stinkin' pot-o-gold? This explains my insatiable appetite for Lucky Charms.

1 comment:

Ty Lyman said...

We still haven't gotten any snow here in AK...I'm so glad. You fam looks AWESOME!!!