Monday, March 31, 2008

Feel the Burn

Saturday morning I woke and was determined to get out on my road bike. I get up early every day, so a major sleep-in is about 6:30. When I first got up there was no wind at all. As the morning progressed, the wind really picked up. Well, I took off riding, determined to get a good hour in before the day got into gear. There is a HUGE difference from riding the stationary bike to being out on the road! My legs were feeling the ache, but it was the cold wind that really had my lungs feeling the burn. A couple times while waiting at stoplights I swear I was experiencing "ice cream headaches" the wind was so cold! I kept thinking how stupid I am going to look passing out while standing there.  I managed to have a long hard ride and made it home completely conscious. Trying to walk downstairs was pretty funny, though. I just wish we could have nice enough weather so I could be out every day.

1 comment:

Jason said...

I hear you...the mornings are plenty cold these days.