Chantel and Chelsea both have copies of the latest Twilight book. Chantel went to the party at Barnes & Noble, only to run to Walmart to buy her copy at midnight (she figures being #702 she would have been there for quite a while waiting). I took Chelsea over to Costco this morning to get her copy. Chantel took hers to work, much to her mother's chagrin, so she could read on break. Teresa is trying to get Chelsea to take breaks so she can read her copy. I have never wanted to read them, just like I have no desire to read Harry Potter.
Let me ask you if this qualifies m
e as a dork- Our back yard is pretty big and mowing it is kind of a long, crappy experience that must be endured each week. After mowing the front and side yards, I run with the lawn mower in the back, just to make it go faster. So what used to take 30 minutes is now about 12 minutes. Am I really that much of an idiot?
Another disappointing season from the Giants. I don't like the Dodgers or Manny Ramirez, and now that they are hooked up, I don't like them both that much more. I hope the Devil Rays can pull it out because I am tired of the Red Sox and the ever hated Yankees. I would love to see the Cubs finally win, but who are we kidding.
Well, the Wakefields got us eating snowcones from the place right by the SCERA pool. Geeze, as if I don't already struggle
trying to eat right, now I want the Tiger's Blood snowcones with the ice cream at the bottom all the time. Man they are tasty. I did make a coconut cake last week that was pretty yummy. But I took the remaining few pieces to work so I wouldn't eat it. Mary did.
That's an old picture I painted, I think back in 1998. No reason for it, just thought I'd throw it on.
haha!! We almost went to walmart to get the book but we decided to stay at barnes and noble... amazing book!!! you should read the twilight series you would be even more cooler than my dad lol...
AHH Snow cones:) Good times
If you keep hitting the way you did last night (25-5, 20 run rule after 4), we may rival your glory days in ward softball. Be safe on your trip.
yeah- i agree with thomas, although i felt bad for that other team. oh well- we WON...IN YO FACE OTHA TEAM!
i went and got 2 medium Tigers blood avalanches last night cuz I just had no choice really- they sounded divine. and I have to say..the flavoring was amazing but the shaved ice was not as smooth as the first time- it was more just like chunks of ice(and I even had a couple ice cubes) was wierd and we couldnt eat them all- it just wasnt great. so buyer beware..if you go there again make sure to ask for extra ground up ice or something.
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