Saturday, October 4, 2008

I Was There, Too

I was actually there in the canyon, too, taking pictures and having a fun time. I thought I would put this picture on, obviously because my wife is a major babe!


ANDREA said...

thats a really good picture of you guys! it looks like you guys caught a really pretty day in the canyon- we went up there last friday to take pics of our friends, and it was dark and cloudy and FREEEEEZING and started raining. boo

ANDREA said...

okay- theres this book called the Worst Baby Name Book Ever- and basically it just says something funny about every name out there- someone posted some of the names and what the book says about them on their blog- i thought yours was pretty hilarious

Paul: "A name so common that even the biblical Paul can't stand it and changes his name to Saul. Now, nobody would voluntarily change his name to Saul unless he was really discouraged. That's what Paul'll do to a guy."

Paul said...

Yeah, I suck. But didn't it go the other way around?